Uniform Policy

Portrait1_0025Uniform Expectations for All

We believe our academy uniform should be work by all students at all times, in order to prepare students for a working environment where uniform is worn. We want students to wear their uniform with pride. All students are expected to:

  • Only wear the SAA uniform (and a coat as appropriate) to school, as per the uniform expectations set out on our website.
  • Not wear additional clothes (excluding a coat) on school site
  • Remove coats before entering the building
  • Only wear their PE kit to school when they have timetabled PE that day- a blazer, SAA school jumper or coat can be worn with PE kit.


For all students they are expected to wear:

  • Academy blazer – at all times (from Price & Buckland)
  • Academy black V neck jumper (from Price & Buckland)
  • Plain white shirt with a collar (not a Polo shirt)
  • Academy tie (from Price & Buckland)
  • Plain formal black trousers (not denim/cord) or plain black pleated skirt (Please note: pleated skirts must be an appropriate length and appropriate material.) NO leggings
  • White, grey or black socks/black tights
  • Polished black shoes or plain black trainers


On PE days only, students are allowed to come to school in their SAA PE kit and are expected to wear:

  • SAA joggers/SAA shorts/SAA Skort/SAA leggings (from Price & Buckland)
  • SAA PE top (Price & Buckland)
  • SAA PE hoody/sweatshirt* (from Price & Buckland)
  • As a interim PE kit (if waiting for PE kit to arrive), students can wear plain black clothing with no logos. Students must bring a note to school with them to explain the need for them to wear non-SAA PE kit.


During the colder months, students can wear their SAA jumper or blazer over their PE kit or there is the option of the PE hoody. No other sweatshirt/hoody/sports jacket is permitted.


Our response to incorrect uniform:

  1. Tutors will log incorrect uniform during morning tutor time on EduLink should the student provide a note from home and issue a uniform pass.
  2. Tutors will send students to the HoY office to collect a temporary replacement of a missing item (e.g. blazer) if a student does not have a note. When issued, the replacement item must be worn – failure of the student to wear the missing item will lead to them being placed in the Internal Suspension Room or with a member of the leadership team for the day.
  3. A phone call home will be made to parents/ carers at this time and a deadline will be set for parent/ carer to provide the uniform.
  4. Liaise with their parent/ carer who must inform a tutor/ HoY of a financial or supply issue which results in incorrect uniform being worn to school. A uniform card to the student which they can show Wear the uniform correctly, entering and exiting classrooms presented excellently. A teacher will be responsible for logging any incorrect uniform in their lesson and informing tutor of this.